ネタばれ注意!『Assassin's Creed II』の実績やトロフィーリストがリーク | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


ネタばれ注意!『Assassin's Creed II』の実績やトロフィーリストがリーク

海外では早くもレビューが掲載されはじめているAssassin's Creed II。本作に用意される実績やトロフィーのリストがネット上にリークしている模様です。ネタばれを含む実績もあるので、ゲームを購入予定の方は観覧に注意しましょう。

家庭用ゲーム Xbox360
海外では早くもレビューが掲載されはじめているAssassin's Creed II。本作に用意される実績やトロフィーのリストがネット上にリークしている模様です。リストを掲載しているのは、MyGamerCardPS3Trophiesといったサイトで、確証はないもののおそらく本物であると見られています。中にはストーリーやゲーム内容のネタばれを含む実績もあるので、ゲームを購入予定の方は観覧に注意しましょう。


* Master Assassin - Unlock All Trophies (Platinum)
* The Birth of an Assassin - Be reborn as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze. (Bronze, 20G)
* Arrivederci Abstergo - Break out of Abstergo. (Bronze, 20G)
* Welcome to the Animus 2.0 - Enter the Animus 2.0. (Silver, 20G)
The Pain of Betrayal - Complete DNA Sequence 1. (Silver, 30G)
* Vengeance - Complete DNA Sequence 2. (Silver, 30G)
* Exit the Son - Complete DNA Sequence 3. (Silver, 30G)
* Bloody Sunday - Complete DNA Sequence 4. (Silver, 30G)
* Undertaker - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella. (Silver, 20G)
* The Conspirators - Complete DNA Sequence 5. (Silver, 30G)
* An Unexpected Journey - Complete DNA Sequence 6. (Silver, 30G)
* Bleeding Effect - Complete training and reenter the Animus. (Silver, 30G)
* The Merchant of Venice - Complete DNA Sequence 7. (Silver, 30G)
* The Impenetrable Palazzo - Complete DNA Sequence 8. (Silver, 30G)
* Masquerade - Complete DNA Sequence 9. (Silver, 30G)
* Bianca's Man - Complete DNA Sequence 10. (Silver, 30G)
* The Prophet - Complete DNA Sequence 11. (Silver, 30G)
* The Vault - Complete DNA Sequence 14. (Silver, 30G)
* An Old Friend Returns - Escape the hideout. (Gold, 100G)
* Myth Maker - Find the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni. (Bronze, 5G)
* Vitruvian Man - Unlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16's video. (Bronze, 20G)
* Street Cleaner - Hide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay. (Bronze, 10G)
* Fly Swatter - Kick a Guard while using the Flying Machine. (Bronze, 5G)
* Messer Sandman - Stun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face. (Bronze, 10G)
* Doctor - Perform an Air Assassination on a Poisoned NPC. (Bronze, 20G)
* No-hitter - Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit. (Bronze, 20G)
* Kleptomaniac - Pickpocket 1000 Florins. (Bronze, 10G)
* Lightning Strike - Sprint for 100 meters. (Bronze, 10G)
* Sweeper - Sweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon. (Bronze, 10G)
* Venetian Gladiator - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria della Visitazione. (Bronze, 20G)
* I can see your house from here! - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Torre Grossa. (Bronze, 20G)
* Hallowed be thy name - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Basilica di San Marco. (Bronze, 20G)
* Prison Escape - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress. (Bronze, 20G)
* Choir Boy - Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria del Fiore (The Duomo). (Bronze, 20G)
* Assassin For Hire - Complete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico. (Bronze, 10G)
* Macho Man - Defend a woman's honor. (Bronze, 10G)
* Steal Home - Win a race against thieves! (Bronze, 10G)
* Show your Colors - Wear the Auditore cape in each city. (Bronze, 10G)
* Handy Man - Upgrade a building in the Stronghold. (Bronze, 10G)
* I like the view - Synchronize 10 View Points. (Bronze, 10G)
* High Dive - Perform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Giotto's Campanile. (Bronze, 10G)
* Mailman - Intercept a Borgia Courrier. (Bronze, 10G)
* Tip of the Iceberg - Use your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment. (Bronze, 10G)
* A Piece of the Puzzle - Unlock a piece of Subject 16's video. (Bronze, 10G)
* Art Connoisseur - Buy a Painting from Florence and Venice. (Bronze, 10G)
* Podesta` of Monteriggioni - Reach 80% of your stronghold's total value. (Bronze, 30G)
* Perfect Harmony - Tint your clothes with those colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory. (Bronze, 10G)
* In Memory of Petruccio - Collect all the Feathers. (Bronze, 30G)
* Red Light Addict - Spend 5000 florins on Courtesans. (Bronze, 10G)
* Man of the People - Toss more than 300 florins on the ground. (Bronze, 10G)
* Victory lies in preparation - Get all Hidden Blades, Item Pouches and Armor upgrades for Ezio. (Bronze, 10G)

(ソース: Destructoid)

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《Rio Tani》

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