Game Critics Best of E3受賞作品発表!『3DS』『Rage』『Portal 2』他 | Game*Spark - 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト


Game Critics Best of E3受賞作品発表!『3DS』『Rage』『Portal 2』他

先週ノミネート作品のリストをご紹介したGame Critics AwardsのBest of E3ですが、早くも受賞作品が発表になりました。21の米国大手メディアが選んだE3の勝者をさっそく見てみましょう。

PC Windows
先週ノミネート作品のリストをご紹介したGame Critics AwardsのBest of E3ですが、早くも受賞作品が発表になりました。21の米国大手メディアが選んだE3の勝者をさっそく見てみましょう。

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 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Bulletstorm (People Can Fly/Epic Games/EA for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Child of Eden (Q Entertainment/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * InFamous 2 (Sucker Punch/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * Kirby's Epic Yarn (Good-Feel/Nintendo for Wii)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Ghost Trick (Capcom for Nintendo DS)
 * God of War: Ghost of Sparta (Ready at Dawn/Sony Santa Monica for PSP)
 * Okamiden (Capcom for Nintendo DS)
 * Super Scribblenauts (5TH Cell/WBIE for Nintendo DS)
 * Valkyria Chronicles 2 (Sega for PSP)


 * Civilization V (Firaxis/2K Games)
 * Crysis 2 (CryTek/EA)
 * Portal 2 (Valve)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA)


 * Kinect (Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Move (Sony for PlayStation 3)
 * Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo)
 * Rock Band 3 Pro Guitars (Harmonix/MTV Games/Mad Catz)
 * Rock Band 3 Keyboard (Harmonix/MTV Games/Mad Catz)


 * Bulletstorm (People Can Fly/Epic Games/EA for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Call of Duty: Black Ops (TreyArch/Activision for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Gears of War 3 (Epic Game/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Halo: Reach (Bungie/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Dead Space 2 (Visceral Games/EA for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Disney's Epic Mickey (Junction Point/Disney Interactive Studios for Wii)
 * Portal 2 (Valve for PC / Mac, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii)


 * Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Eidos Montreal/Square-Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Fable III (Lionhead/Microsoft Game Studios for PC and Xbox 360)
 * Fallout: New Vegas (Obsidian/Bethesda for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA for PC)
 * The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (CD Projekt RED STUDIO/Atari for PC)


 * Gran Turismo 5 (Polyphony Digital/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * MotorStorm: Apolcalypse (Evolution Studios/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (Criterion Games/EA for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Eden Games/Atari for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)


 * Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Capcom for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Mortal Kombat (NetherRealm/WBIE for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * WWE All Stars (THQ San Diego/THQ for PS3 and Xbox 360)


 * EA Sports MMA (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Madden NFL 11 (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * NBA Jam (EA Canada/EA Sports for Wii)
 * NCAA Football 11 (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
 * NHL 11 (EA Canada/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)


 * Civilization V (Firaxis/2K Games for PC)
 * Company of Heroes Online (Relic/THQ for PC)
 * End of Nations (Petroglyph/Trion Worlds for PC)
 * Shogun 2: Total War (The Creative Assembly/Sega for PC)


 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * DJ Hero 2 (FreeStyle Games/Activision for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii)
 * Kinect Adventures (Good Science Studio/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Rock Band 3 (Harmonix/MTV Games/EA for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii)


 * Child of Eden (Q Entertainment/Ubisoft for PS3 and Xbox 360)
 * Dance Central (Harmonix/MTV Games/Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 * Socom 4 (Zipper/Sony Computer Entertainment for PS3)
 * The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii)
 * Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for Xbox 360)


 * Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360)
 * Gears of War 3 (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360 )
 * Halo Reach (Bungie/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 * Medal of Honor (EALA/DICE/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
 * Star Wars: The Old Republic (BioWare Austin/LucasArts/EA for PC)


 * Rage (id Software/Bethesda for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360)

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別の賞と同じく、ここでもRage、Porta 2、Dance Centralといった海外産タイトルの評価が高く、いずれも複数部門を受賞。レースゲーム部門でもグランツーリスモ5をおさえてNeed for Speed Hot Pursuitが勝者となっています。

また国産タイトルの受賞はMarvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worldsのみという結果でした。(ソース: Game Critics Awards via Joystiq)

Game Critics: Best of E3受賞作品発表!『Uncharted 2』『Scribblenauts』他
GameSpotのBest of E3アワードが発表!最優秀賞は『カービィ』
E3 10: IGNのBest of E3アワードが発表!最優秀賞は『Rage』
続々追加!E3 2010出展タイトルリスト最新版
E3 10: Best of E3も受賞!水口氏新作『Child of Eden』ゲームプレイ映像
E3 10: 『E3 2010の注目トレイラー映像』10選!
《Rio Tani》

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